Traditional style Canvas Marquee purchaseWeatherill Brothers manufacture Canvas Marquees to order, and have found they are becoming increasingly popular with hire customers due to environmemtal concerns and a desire for a ‘simpler’
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Marquee PurchaseMarquee Hirers, Hotels, Restaurants and Fund raising venues, this is the best time of year, to start working out your plans for next year. The hospitality and wedding season is well on its way, take the opportunity to check
Linings for Marquees and HallsWeatherill Brothers have been manufacturing Interior Marquee Linings for many years, which are very adaptable and can also be manufactured for use in Halls, Gyms or factory units for example, to create a
Summer Marquee HireIf you have a wedding or party in Norfolk or East Anglia, and you are concerned that your guests will need protection from the sun, why not hire a Weatherill Brothers Marquee. Marquees are extremely adaptable, and when
Marquee Patio Awning for summerHotels and Restaurants, a Marquee Patio Awning is a great way of shading your guests and customers when the summer arrives.Patio Awnings are made to order by Weatherill Brothers to fit your premises
Party or Wedding MarqueeIf you are getting married or holding a party in Norfolk and looking for a completely personal venue, why not Hire a Marquee from Weatherill BrothersA Traditional style Marquee cannot be beaten as a unique setting
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